

Level 1 Support
Staff member
Muffracer : Did you recieve our email this morning with a link to your settings ? Inside the control panel in the 'Quick Links' area is a list of your encoder settings. Dave is right, those settings are not right. Check the control panel to get the correct ones.


New Member
re control panel

hi & thxs Dave & support , yea i see all in control panel ,
but my question is where is my url address?
As last year was usin this on Internet Radio Servers

this was working ok then ,so has this now been changed?
I still dont see my url in control panel


Log into your control panel and click on code snippets from the menu. This will show you loads of useful codes, including the individual URLs you need to listen.:)


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New Member
the encoder is streaming fine , i just cant hear the stream because the url that did work dont no more on the control panel is this =Host: cp.internet-radio.org.uk Port: 11810 Maximum bit rate: 128 Kbps Current listeners: 0/100
so from the above would the url not still be as without the cp?


New Member
so where is my url?

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="http://cp.internet-radio.org.uk/system/streaminfo.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="http://cp.internet-radio.org.uk/js.php/muffracer/streaminfo/rnd0"></script>


New Member
need step by step to stream own live

last year I set this up . my address given was muffracer.internet-radio.org.uk
port 11810
password xxxxxxxxxx

It was streaming live @ 2nd life .com
url Internet Radio Servers

so as that the case , is there any reason why it wont do so now ? with those details, i can connect & stream with the encoder , but alas i hear nothing on the 2nd life webspace we have?
as all im tryin to do is relay my music throu 2nd life & not any else is that gotta be so hard here?


Right down at the bottom of the code snippets is the code you need to embed into your website to enable listeners to tune in.. Here's a copy of what ours looks like, yours will be similar..
<div id="cc_tunein">
<a href="http://shoutcast.internet-radio.org.uk/tunein.php/td1radio/playlist.pls"><img align="absmiddle" src="http://shoutcast.internet-radio.org.uk/system/images/tunein-pls.png" border="0" alt="Winamp" title="Winamp" /></a>
<a href="http://shoutcast.internet-radio.org.uk/tunein.php/td1radio/playlist.asx"><img align="absmiddle" src="http://shoutcast.internet-radio.org.uk/system/images/tunein-asx.png" border="0" alt="windows Media Player" title="Windows Media Player" /></a>
<a href="http://shoutcast.internet-radio.org.uk/tunein.php/td1radio/playlist.ram"><img align="absmiddle" src="http://shoutcast.internet-radio.org.uk/system/images/tunein-ram.png" border="0" alt="Real Player" title="Real Player" /></a>
<a href="http://shoutcast.internet-radio.org.uk/tunein.php/td1radio/playlist.qtl"><img align="absmiddle" src="http://shoutcast.internet-radio.org.uk/system/images/tunein-qtl.png" border="0" alt="QuickTime" title="QuickTime" /></a>

You simply place this html code in the web page that you want the 'tune in' code to appear on. This will generate icons your visitors click on (see attached screendump)


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New Member
Thing is this is not a web page but 2nd life com , in which the url is set to the various sims on land as such , & 2nd life has own music player etc in programme , thxs for help dave , but do you see my problem ? as we dont tend to open a secondary music player in this virtual world of 2nd life .com


New Member
any one know my url ?

would this help?
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="http://cp.internet-radio.org.uk/system/ondemand.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="http://cp.internet-radio.org.uk/js.php/muffracer/ondemand"></script>:mad:


Level 1 Support
Staff member
Hi Muffracer. We have checked over your logs and you have managed to connect to the server ok and stream some music. Am i correct in thinking that the issue you are now having is the ability to stream into secondlife ?

Theres a good guide on this part of the process :

Streaming Music - Second Life Wiki


Level 1 Support
Staff member
hello all it seem s that with
& nothing else it is fine , what confused me is that last year it was not as above ,thx all for your valued support :rofl:

Great you got it sorted. We used to use <username>.internet-radio.org.uk for hostnames but discontinued that. All old subdomains still point to the correct ip so it should have worked but never mind as doing it by IP is just as valid.