Internet Radio Facebook App


Level 1 Support
Staff member
We have just finished version 1 of our Facebook App :nerd: The App allows you to browse and search our radio directory from within Facebook. If you authorise the App you can save your favourite stations and have them displayed to you on the App's home page and a tab on your profile for quick access.

Check it out here : Internet Radio on Facebook

Any feedback will be most welcomed :)


Level 1 Support
Staff member
We have 48 Monthly Active Users and 4 fans and we have finally been accepted into the Facebook Application directory :


We could really do with some reviews and feedback on the wall if anyone has anything to comment :

Internet Radio | Facebook


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Tunz Master

New Member
# of users

Is it possible to use this application without it displaying the # of users listening to the broadcast for the listeners? So many stations being broadcast are really good & cool but look like they stink because there are only 2-5 folks tuned in.

Having the # of listeners in public view is misleading..........can we opt out somehow? If you look at FM broadcasts that stream too they don't have the # of listeners posted in view.

Thanks Dino


Level 1 Support
Staff member
Is it possible to use this application without it displaying the # of users listening to the broadcast for the listeners? So many stations being broadcast are really good & cool but look like they stink because there are only 2-5 folks tuned in.

Having the # of listeners in public view is misleading..........can we opt out somehow? If you look at FM broadcasts that stream too they don't have the # of listeners posted in view.

Not at the moment. We wouldn't agree that just because a station doesn't have many listeners its likely to stink. At the moment the amount of listeners is the best indicator we have of a quality station. What would you suggest we sorted by ?

After we gather enough data from the 'Favourites' function we plan on offering sorting by that instead which we feel would be a alternative way of sorting. We are also working on a tune-ins logging mechanism which will be a further option to sort by in the future.

We would like to point out that you cant opt-out but we do prioritise our internal servers over other stations in our website directory (although not Facebook at the moment although this may change in the future).

Interesting point though, thanks for your feedback :)


Level 1 Support
Staff member
We have just updated the app (Internet Radio on Facebook). The updates include :

Resized tab width for new profile size.
Added an invite friends option : Internet Radio on Facebook
Added a 'Become a Fan' option.
Changed the layout slightly.

We would really appreciate any feedback / reviews. Also if you could help get the ball rolling by inviting some friends to use the application it would be appreciated.

Tunz Master

New Member
I probably overlooked it, but is there any facebook FBML type code to use on our own pages for stream title & tune-in links?

thanks for everything

Tunz Master

New Member

How do I get this code that you use to show all my info on facebook???

just "as-is"? will this code work on the FBML page?