Ambient Music is in my Blood


New Member
Since 2004 I've developed a passing for this music of ambient. Typically ambient is associated with back ground or theme music in movies and video games. I was drawn to a few stations and found that out of those stations, they listed the artist names and CD's incorrectly and I found that I had a knack in finding all relevant data and posting this correct data on my web site. Over time I was gaining a following.. and not who you might think.. The artist themselves wanted to see what I was about and started sending my their music to help support my status.

As of the beginning of this year I got my chance to host (unofficially) made the program director to 977music channel aptly known as "Soundscapes" Taking several months to gain music from the artist on sites, or as gifts from the artist.. the Soundscapes channel went live as of April 14th at 10:30 am est.. Having a long list of artist contacts.. they sent me more music for my station.. But something happen and I wasn't allowed to host the show any longer.. Mind you I was doing all this fro free and gaining the trust and respect from the artist.

After several attempts to contact the station's general manger to have this issue corrected or my channel removed.. I was denied access. at one point I pleaded with the artist to send word to the stations manage in an effort to have these things corrected.. without success.

So now what.. I'm left with about 600 ambient tracks running more than 120 hours.. or there abouts.. Yet I do not have the know how of the money to get something (technically) going.. So I'll make a deal with anyone willing to set the station up for me as to allow me to upload all these tracks..

Here is what you would gain.. My experienced ear and knowledge of what is ambient music is and should sound like, I would also bring my list of artist and contacts.. and I'd keep the stations play list very well organized. But currently it's in a bit of a shamble due to the unforeseen issues at 977music.. As for that 977music channel?.. It's still going with my incomplete play list.. I've yet to have been allowed to remove several tracks as well as assign CD covers..

Again.. Here is my offer.. I need someone trust worthy to create and host an Ambient/drone station that I can manage and/or Host and select music for future broadcasts.. Please consider my offer cause I'd really like to get back into this..