Why Do I Have A Bot Listening To My Stream?


New Member
Most of the time that we look at our current listeners, "Germany -" is always listening. This is running up our data transfer as it was far higher this month than that of last month. Can someone help, please?


New Member
We appreciate your help with this! But how do I ban them via Icecast? As this is going to cost us a lot if we cannot rectify this issue.


Level 1 Support
Staff member
Ah right yes, so you are on Icecast. Unfortunately this is not possible for you to ban IP's from within the admin area of Icecast (only Shoutcast allows this).

So we have had to block that IP from your server instead ourselves.


Level 1 Support
Staff member
Hi The Wolf Online,

That IP of is the one that we blocked already the other day? We are not seeing it connected at present to your server? If you see this again please can you let us know asap! Thank you.


Level 1 Support
Staff member
Yes of course, we can change you over to a Shoutcast v2 server instead. Please be aware though that for this we will need to delete your current account and then manually recreate this as it is not possible to change a server accounts type once it has been created. We will be able to keep all of the settings the same for you but you will be assigned a new port number. So you would need to resubmit your station again to any directories that you may be listed with.

So as long as you are ok with this, then please let us know a good time for us to do this as it will mean a small amount of downtime but no more than about 10 minutes as you do not have any AutoDJ files to be backed up.

We do think this would be better for you long term as you will be able to block any IP's yourself from within the Shoutcast admin page.