Mic levelling issues

Steve Slocombe

New Member
Hi all,
We have a small community based radio station and have several live presenters. However, each presenter has different vocal talents and the loudest ones are pushing the mic levels into the red. Other than getting them 3 feet away from the mic, is their any hardware or software that can level out the mic without affecting the playout? At present we have the mic directly feeding into the mixer.


Level 1 Support
Staff member
Hi Steve,

We recommend adding a compressor/limiter into your signal chain. This could be either hardware or software really.

Steve Slocombe

New Member
We already have those in hardware which is used for the playout. The issue is the mic Input. Is there any software or hardware that we can use separately prior to going through the compressor/limiter? The presenters are having to manually adjust the gain on the desk to get the desired levels. We just need something where the mic can be plugged in and the unit automatically raise or lower the gain according to the presenters voice level. I hope this explains it a bit more.


Level 1 Support
Staff member
We meant getting a compressor/limiter for the mic to go into before going into the mixer. That's the only way you will be able to control the mics level without manually having to adjust the gain on the desk.

Some desks have a compressor built into them for the mic channels. If yours does not then we can only recommend picking up another separate compressor just for the mic specifically.


Level 1 Support
Staff member
No problem. Well you have plenty of options, but Behringer will do the job perfectly fine and they tend to be the cheaper models as well. So perhaps it's best to just stick with what you are already familiar with. You can pick them up pretty cheap on Ebay for about £20 to £30(ish). One with a noise gate would be good. :)