Looking for 10 minute speech content show ...


New Member
I'm looking for a 10 minute weekly speech content show, for broadcast on my internet radio station.

This could be an edit of an existing podcast that you currently produce, or new content, or even an edit of a show that you currently air.

Topic and content of the show is pretty much an open book, so could be about current affairs, showbiz news, or just random chatter between yourself and maybe a co-host

Due to broadcast platform restrictions, each show must be no more than 14mins in length, and cannot contain licensed music tracks.

This is an ideal opportunity for anyone wanting to give their current podcast another broadcast platform and exposure, or for a brand new broadcaster to try something new.

Broadcast would be over a weekend so production of any show must be made by Friday midnight weekly at the latest.

There would also be a possibility of syndication of this show to other station producers that share the same broadcast platform.

Please get in touch, or email broadcast@thisisshuffle.co.uk