Android APP listeners are not showing


New Member
Android APP listeners are not showing in current listerens. Also In statistics - reports - user agents i don't see the APP listener.


Level 1 Support
Staff member
Android App? We do not have any app for our website?

Our website is already fully mobile and tablet compatible without using any apps or the need to install any extra software. So any listeners tuning in via an Android device (or Apple) will still show under the listener reports. The "User Agent" will just be displayed as a "Web-based (Flash) Player".


New Member
Thanks for your reply.. We have created an Android APP & we were able to link the app to centova cast server & listening to the radio. but we dont see these users in current listeners. When we listen through browser in android , apple iphone or ipad then we see it current listeners. Hope you understand my question now.

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Level 2 Support
Staff member
Ahh we see. From a technical point of view if your app really is connecting to the server and streaming your radio then you should be seeing it in the access log files. Please check your access log files in centovacast for a connection from your app. Are you seeing one ? The centovacast reports are taken directly from these logs so if it's in the logs it should be in the reports. If you're not seeing one can you detail exactly how your app is connecting to the server and at what address ? It might help.

Unfortunately without access to the app we can't debug it for you. Perhaps you could post a link to your app so we can check it out ?