An Internet-Radio “Popular” Station, 1940sRadio.Com Needs Covert Presenters on the Front Line!

1940s Radio

New Member
We Want You

Special ops are on the lookout for presenters to take up front line positions with a Vintage Radio Station taking on a demanding established listener base. The battle ahead will need determinate, commitment and above all:

1. A outline knowledge of the 1940s period

2. A reasonable working knowledge of music from the 1940s

3. Production facilities for 1 x weekly show (More slots available)

4. American presenters to balance time zones most welcome

5. The ability to access a dropbox

6. Presenters are allowed promote personal soundcloud, or similar if your focus is on show production and not broadcast

7. To avoid conflict we do not currently promote other stations in broadcasts

1940sRadio.Com offers an established website, proactive social network. This is a great opportunity for a 40s enthusiast to enlist with a growing 1940s Radio Station with consistent growth across the time zones.

Music database is available from the Great 78 project, an open source library who have allowed us to use their digitized catalogue for broadcast.

The 1940s Radio Station Team