Acc files


Hi support, so just to confirm before I come back to you to host my station.
If I convert my mp3 files to acc and then set my bit rate in mount points to 96 I'll get loads more listen time for the same monthly price, can you confirm there is an auto disconnect setting so you can limit how long people can listen in one session??


Level 1 Support
Staff member

The Centovacast control panel does not support uploading files in the AAC format, they must be in Mp3. The AutoDJ feature will then convert this in real-time as an AAC stream. But yes, streaming in AAC at a lower bitrate will allow you to have a good quality stream and would use less bandwidth than streaming in Mp3 at a higher bitrate.

Under the 'Advanced' section of your control panel there is a setting to "Always disconnect listeners after: X minutes" so you can use this setting to limit how long listeners are connected for.


Brilliant, so will I need to change the settings somewhere to make autodj change the file before broadcast
Thanks for your help..


New Member
Centova Cast does support uploading AAC files, there are no MP3's loaded on my account at the moment, just AAC's and the stream appears to be running OK
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Level 1 Support
Staff member
Centova Cast does support uploading AAC files, there are no MP3's loaded on my account at the moment, just AAC's and the stream appears to be running OK

Okay that's interesting, it did not used to. We must have missed something there then!


New Member
Couple of things to note with this.

The files have to be .aac not .MP4a file manager will not allow upload if MP4a.

When you generate an .aac file from say .WAV you must clear any tags (metadata) from the file, so name the file as appropriate . If you don't do this AutoDJ will just rapidly skip the files on playback, which sounds weird, seems like a radio station breaking through with someone playing guitar (Took me hours to figure this one out) AAC seems to handle tags differently to MP3.

I used a free program called fre:ac (alpha version 1.1) to encode my files. The bit rate setting is on a PER CHANNEL basis, so for 64k stream setting is 32k


Level 1 Support
Staff member
Thanks for the information Medway Radio. Hopefully this may come in handy for other users.
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