
  1. Vibes Squad

    Radio station seeks drops and ids

    Looking for good quality station I'd and other audio for station. Contact vibesunit@gmail.com
  2. Harty

    Affordable one-liners and station IDs from Steve Hart

    Hi. If you are looking for that professional sound for your drops and liners, check out my two great deals here. http://stevehartvoiceovers.com/jingles-for-internet-and-community-radio-djs/ Cheers, Steve
  3. D.I. Aspinwall

    Get Professional Radio Imaging (Sweepers/Drops/Promos/Jingles)

    Want to sound like a big commercial radio station? Hire an imaging director who works for one! Hi, I'm DI, and I am the imaging director for multiple commercial radio stations as well as numerous smaller stations! I voice and produce radio imaging, and now, I'm doing it for just $5 bucks a pop...
  4. D.I. Aspinwall

    Get Professional Radio Imaging cheap!

    Get Professional Radio Imaging for your show! Want to sound like a big commercial radio station? Hire an imaging director who works for one! Hi, I'm DI, and I am the imaging director for multiple commercial radio stations as well as numerous smaller stations! I voice and produce radio imaging...
  5. I

    Station Sweeps, Drops, Jingles, Imaging and Production Service

    Hey all, Having had some time on my hands over Christmas, I’ve had some time to re(launch) my website which offers imaging and production for radio shows, radio stations and podcasters! Just thought I’d throw it out there for those who need some imaging here and there, are looking for...
  6. D

    DJ drops, station drops, jingles and more (VO service)

    Hi there, I'm Dave from the Netherlands, I'm a dutch radio DJ and voice over. Make audio productions for people and stations all over the world! My VO service goes via Fiverr. Do you search drops or jingles for your radio station or program or anything else? Check my service...
  7. pastordre

    GiveAway of 15 DJ Drops

    Hello to all the DJ's out there. I would like to give away 15 professionally mixed Holy Ghost DJ Drops. With sayings like - Who's that on the ones and two - Yo DJ turn the track up - You are listening to dj - preach preacha - Holy Ghost DJ All you have to do is reply to this message and it...
  8. pastordre

    I produce DJ Drops

    If anyone needs dj drops for your shows or stations let me know I would love to help you out.
  9. pastordre

    I produce DJ Drops

    I like to produce DJ Drops if anybody needs any for their show. HIt me up